

Use cases with Galileosky devices

Galileosky and ITLINE joint solution made public transport more accessible to people with special need

ITLINE has developed a system for digitalization of pub-lic transport with the Galileosky tracking devices.

Agricultural machinery detection without sensors

The Integrator solution allows to monitor the movement of agricultural machinery and determine whether it is working in geofences

How to control the equipment without the stable network coverage?

The Integrator company has found a solution to how to obtain data on the location of equipment in conditions of poor network coverage

Galileosky terminals allow you to track the entire path of fuel movement at the drilling station

The integrator company drilling stations energy accounting system now tracks fueling, consumption and discharges

How to control the fuel consumption without a fuel level sensor?

The Integrator company has developed a solution that allows you to track fuel consumption on road rinks

20% increase in harvest in one season with the introduction of telematics

How to earn more than $120 000 on apples in one season?

EPOL company creates the virtual co-pilot with Galileosky tracking devices

EPOL company creates the virtual co-pilot system for the Chilean mining industry with Galileosky tracking devices

Every millimeter counts!

Many agricultural producers lose the part of their crops every year due to the processing parameters violations. Interra experts have solved this problem by developing the Deeplow product.

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