
What’s new in the Configurator? Version 5.4.16

19 August 2024

New features:

  • New firmware 2.12 for devices Galileosky 10 and Galileosky XS is added.
  • New firmware 47.15 (release-candidate) for devices Galileosky 7x is added.

Changelog of firmware 2.12 for devices Galileosky 10:


  • Self-diagnostic errors that caused the device to reboot automatically have been fixed.
  • The disabling of the standard light indication via Easy Logic has been fixed.

Changelog of firmware 2.12 for devices Galileosky XS:


  • Self-diagnostic errors that caused the device to reboot automatically is fixed.
  • The operation of energy saving functions (SLEEP\WAKEUP) is fixed.
  • The ability to turn off the device using the POWEROFF command is removed.


Changelog of firmware 47.18:


  • Self-diagnostic errors that caused the device to reboot automatically have been fixed.
  • The operation of energy-saving functions (SLEEP/WAKEUP) has been fixed.
  • The ability to turn off the device using the POWEROFF command has been removed.
  • The disabling of the standard light indication via Easy Logic has been fixed.
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