
What’s new in the Configurator? Version 4.25.08

11 July 2022

In the new version of the Configurator software users will be able to visually configure the data transmission to the server using the J1979 protocol. It is also possible now to automatically update to firmware older than 34. There are new features of direct work with the tracking device memory in Easy Logic. The speed of data transmission from the client device to the hub via Wi-Fi is increased.

New functions

  • The ability to configure the transmission of parameters via J1979 protocol on the CAN Scanner tab was added. Instead of polling 45 parameters, which takes about a minute, and the lack of visual representation of the received data, the client will be able to see the received data at once and mark only the needed ones for sending to the server.
  • Automatic update to the firmware older than 34 with the bootloader update using the command UPGRADE X (X=0 or greater than 33) was added in firmware 32.13. Instead of 4 successive steps of one tracking device update (update to 33 firmware, double upgradebl command, update to X firmware) with obligatory control after each step, it became possible to use only 1 step with single command update. This should ease the process of upgrading the bootloader and the transition to older firmware.
  • The ROMDelete, ROMRead, ROMWrite, ROMErase functions added in Easy Logic in the 41.0 firmware version. Easy Logic algorithms now can store operation settings and counters in script language in the device memory to protect against discarding on reset.


The developers also made a series of corrections and updated some of the tracking devices' firmware.

The new functionality is available after the firmware update: go to the "Device" tab to install the new version of the "Configurator".

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