
Tabs for CAN data processing combine into one

11 February 2019

CAN and CAN Scanner tabs are now combined into one to make CAN messages parsing more convenient. Read more...

Tabs for CAN-bus data processing in the “Configurator” program are now combined into one to make CAN messages parsing more convenient. Now you don’t need to switch between tabs and duplicate byte markup.

The main advantage of this update is working with the protocol tag and the message list on the CAN Scanner tab. As a result, the time for setting up sending messages from the CAN bus to the monitoring server is reduced.

To do this, choose the required number of bytes and bits, find the tag and select it to transfer data to the server. Based on the selected parameters, the data from the message is automatically recorded to the tag.

To start using updates, install the latest “Configurator” program version. 

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