
How to spend 40% less fuel and reduce discharges to zero? 4 ways to control fuel consumption

25 March 2022

Galileosky experts estimate that the percentage of fuel thefts in corporate vehicle fleets can reach up to 20%. For example, a company buys 100,000 tons of fuel a year, and 20,000 tons of fuel may "go out". At a cost of fuel of 1.5 USD the loss could be 30,000 USD a year.

Fuel control by average consumption rates or receipts

Accuracy level **

If the fuel control system is not implemented at the enterprise, the fuel costs can be monitored based on the following parameters:

  • Average vehicle fleet fuel consumption data (fuel consumption values of a particular vehicle may vary significantly).
  • Odometer data (error rates of fuel consumption may exceed 10%, and there is a risk of mileage cheating). The receipts confirming payments at gas stations (drivers may collude with gas station employees and the information in the receipt may not correspond to the reality).
  • This method allows to control fuel consumption by average indicators. But it doesn't take into account possible fuel discharges and past-the-tank fueling, idling of vehicles, use of vehicles for personal purposes.

Fuel control with a GPS tracker

Accuracy level ***

GPS-tracker receives the data on the vehicle movement (coordinates, speed, mileage and others). It is possible to analyze the factors influencing fuel overconsumption: unplanned trips, idling, and others, based on these parameters. It is important to note that it is impossible to get accurate information about real fuel consumption on the route, time, places and refueling volumes with the help of the GPS-tracker only.

Fuel control with a GPS tracker and a sensor

Accuracy level ****

The fuel level sensor is installed in the car tank and connected to the GPS tracker.

Every change in the tank fuel level is displayed in the monitoring system with time and location reference. The accuracy of the data provided by the fuel level sensor is 97-99%.

Solution advantages:

Accurate information on location, speed, mileage, tank refills, tank discharges, fuel consumption by tank, etc.

Solution disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to detect fuel drains from the return line.
  2. Sensitivity of the fuel level sensor to the installation (if the measuring tube length in the tank is less than 20 cm - the fuel consumption data will be unclear).
  3. There is a high probability of inaccuracy in elongated shaped tanks due to fuel fluctuations at an angle. It is sometimes difficult to install a fuel level sensor in a non-standard shaped tank.

Fuel consumption monitoring with sensors, a GPS-tracker and CAN-data

Highest accuracy

The GPS-tracker is connected to the vehicle control unit via the CAN-bus: the tracker receives data from the regular sensors and transmits them to the monitoring system.

Solution advantages:

  1. Possibility to monitor many parameters
  2. Can be used for vehicles with tanks that are not designed for the fuel level sensor installation


Solution disadvantages:

  1. High inaccuracy of fuel level measurement, difficulties in detecting discharges

Among the solutions that have been considered, it is best to use a package solution. The real control is the ability to compare as many different indications as possible and to identify the causes of discrepancies.

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