
How to make the track better?

18 June 2021

We have collected tips from Galileosky technical support specialists about how to improve the quality of track recording, to avoid "jumps" and "gaps". Properly installed device and clear settings will improve the track.

Open sky for better transmission

When installing and positioning try to fix the device closer to the windshield as much as possible. Make sure the tracker sees the open sky and nothing covers interrupts the signal. The track quality will suffer if you put the device in the glove compartment of a vehicle or place it under a torpedo. In this case, materials of the passenger cabin may contain hidden metal screens that will cause the incorrectness of GPS data transmission.

If you need to install the device secretly, or improve the quality of connection, then choose a modification with external antennas. However, the same recommendations are reasonable here too: do not screen the signal and provide an open view of the sky.

Away from other radio devices

Do not install the device near radio transmission devices, power controllers or other transceivers. Galileosky technical support engineers recommend to install the device one meter away from other devices. The reason is that the navigation module in trackers has a high sensitivity and signal waves from another device can overlap the tracker frequency and create resonance, interfering with the correct track drawing.

Stable power - stable track

The unit operates at an external voltage of 9 to 35 volts. It can also be powered by built-in battery. However, when the battery voltage is below 3.5 volts, the device turns off. For stable track drawing, provide constant external power. This simple advice will help to avoid "jumps" after long stops, or with regular disconnection of the power supply in the vehicle.

Work with track settings

Depending on the type of vehicle, its speed and purpose, you can adjust the settings on the "Track" tab.

1. Set the minimum number of incorrect coordinates that will be filtered out, set the required number of satellites for start and operation of the device, and set the maximum allowed HDOP parameter value. It is responsible for horizontal position accuracy. In other words, using a group of these settings, you can filter out false coordinates that can spoil the track.


2. The second part of the settings group is responsible for the number of recorded points. The more coordinates there are, the more detailed the track is. This is useful for high speed vehicles: high way trucks, tanker trucks, taxis, or passenger cars. However, for low-mobility construction equipment such as excavators, rollers or bulldozers, frequent points recording is the disadvantage.

Set the point recording interval and the angle at which the car should turn to initiate the out-of-order point recording. Also define the required speed threshold above which the recording of points will switch to "In motion" mode with a frequent recording interval.


3. How to determine that the vehicle is parked and record points less often? Tou can check this parameter by the ignition. This setting will work fine if the ignition sensor is connected to input 0 on the device. Thus, the tracker will determine that the ignition is on, the engine is started, which means it's time to reduce the recording interval. And vice versa, if the voltage drops below 9 volts, the tracker will think that the vehicle is in the "Parking" mode.


4. Another way to distinguish between the "In motion " and "Parking" modes: use the accelerometer. By adjusting the threshold of the accelerometer, you can choose the limit of the permissible vibration level and determine whether the engine is running or not. By setting the timeout, you can set the time interval after which the unit will increase the interval for recording points by defining that the car is parked.

All these tips will help you avoid problems with track stability and quality of its displaying. First of all, make sure that the rules for installing the tracker at the asset are observed, and then use the settings to make the track better. The fact is: Configurator settings can be changed remotely but it is not always possible to reinstall the device and change its’ position.

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