
What’s new in the Configurator? Version 5.3.01

08 August 2023

The new version of the «Configurator» has introduced features that enable efficient memory utilization, enhanced uploading of the client archive from the hub, and the implementation of graph visualization in the CAN scanner.

New features:

  • Support for Galileosky 10 device is added
  • New firmware 1.0 for devices Galileosky 10 is added.
  • New firmware 27.9 for devices Galileosky 7.0, OBD-II is added.
  • New firmware 27.10 for devices Galileosky BaseBlock is added.
  • New firmware 38.21 for devices Galileosky 7x is added.
  • New firmware 46.0 (beta-version) for devices Galileosky 7x is added.
  • Possibility to disable the message bus in the System section is added.
  • The window for selecting the device to connect is redesigned.
  • Displaying graphs on the CAN scanner tab is now available.
  • Registering a tracker to the remote configuration service when connected through USB is added.
  • SemaphoreTake and SemaphoreGive functions were added to EasyLogic.
  • "Acquire semaphore" and "Release semaphore" blocks were added to the Easy Logic tab.
  • Function "GetUserArray" to get data from the user's array is added in EasyLogic scripts.

Changelog of firmwares 27.9, 27.10:

New features:
Sending a minor version of the firmware to the remote configuration server is added.
WebDav operating is improved.

Changelog of firmware 38.21:

New features:
WebDav features are disabled by default.
WebDav operating is improved.

Changelog of firmware 46.0:

New features:

  • The GSMAUTH command, which allows you to configure the type of authentication in the GSM network is added.
  • Possibility to disable the message bus to save RAM resources is added.
  • Function ChargerEnable is added in EasyLogic scripts.
  • Upload of the client archive from the hub is improved.
  • WebDav, Message Bus and Bluetooth configuration features are disabled by default.
  • Transmission of the 0x49 tag to the Galileosky protocol, the place where it is uploaded (server\hub), the channel through which it is uploaded (GSM\WiFi) is added.
  • The NODOUBLEPACK command that allows you to disable uploading the archive to the hub if it was sent to the main server is added.
  • Dedicated virtual COM port for receiving diagnostic messages is added.
  • SD/eMMC is available as a Flash Drive when the device is plugged into a computer.



  • Registration in a GSM network is improved.
  • In Easy Logic, the initial state of the variable "PUSH_TO_TALK_BUTTON_STATUS" is fixed.
  • Time leaps on some Galileosky V7X devices is fixed.
  • The mechanism for determining the disconnection of an external GPS antenna is improved.
  • WebDav operating is fixed.
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